
I’m a human.

I am: Manish Goyal.

I own: Simplicity, smile and calmness.

I practice: Logic in the realm of Computer Science. A post graduate from Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati.

I like: to be busy. My interests are broadly to read, cook, interact, sleep, watch movies, scribble words, sketch, cycling, travel (not necessarily in the order specified). At times, I like to go out (not with the crowd; not in the crowd).

I cherish: Friendship. Have a bunch of extremely good people called Friends. But, I’m selective when it comes to befriend somebody. Being one, I’m honest, supportive and trustworthy.

I relish: Sweets and Mango the most. In past, I’ve been named – ‘Bhukhad’, ‘Amoda’, ‘Petu’, ‘Paratha’. Even though, my appearance defies my eating habits, still, that is one of the reasons I got interest in cooking.

I acknowledge: Beauty; be it in any form – art, nature, science, or a personal characteristic. I’m always fascinated by photography, paintings, sculptures, colors of the nature, scientific facts, clean surroundings, a beautiful mind and an honest heart.

I desire: To impact – with words, with work and with thoughts. I feel glad when approached for advice, suggestion, or a service. That way I find myself to be of some help and therefore, a tiny yet considerable part of this society.

I admire: Hard work and brain. Success bespeaks the struggle behing achieving it. I seek inspiration from the lives of great people.

I respect: Relations. The essence of a relation is in understanding and sacrifice.  I’m blessed with a LARGE number of relatives. I always happened to find a home wherever I visited, atleast during short trips. Thanks goes to my family members and their knowns.

I care for: the ones who care. I treasure my family, amazing friends and wonderful cousins. I love them more than myself.

I seek: Peace and wisdom. I prefer to keep silent, listen to others and learn about any random thing except politics. With knowledge comes the wisdom and with wisdom comes the enlightenment and with enlightenment comes the power to work for peace.

I dream: To keep dreaming. Its a never ending process. As soon as you achieve something, you start expecting more. However, dreams, in the form of hope, are what keep us moving.

I thank: God for this life. Call it my luck or belief in HIM that I always get more than I deserve (or say, the efforts I put in).

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